
Hey witches, witch-curious, and people who use another term. Have you ever been intimidated by magick with a K? Ever felt that its ceremonies, rites, initiations, tools, terms etc. were a world of orthodoxy unto itself? That's understandable.⁠⠀
The world of magick is by and large a world of systems, sects, and secrets. And for good reason! But when even magick’s most subversive path—chaos magick—can seem like a game of inside baseball—and when you can’t so much as read the comments under a witchy TikTok without encountering heated debates about right and wrong, magick can feel like it’s not for *you*. 💬⁠⠀
Which brings me to my guest on Beyond Belief this week, Mitch Horowitz. Mitch is a PEN Award-winning author, a revered historian of esoterica and the occult, and the originator of the term ANARCHIC MAGICK—a system of magick that’s *not* a system. Like…at all. ⁠⠀
Think of it as “purposeful heterodoxy”. A world view in which you can question and overturn every assumption (including ditching the name “anarchic magick” in favour of your own!) and instead, practice whatever works a.k.a the stuff that gives you meaning and gets you results. ⚡️⁠⠀

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From an anarchic magick perspective, our imagination is God, our favourite people and places and even movies are sacred, and spontaneity is a portal to the divine. How liberating!

But HOW does one DIY their own self-determined, fluid magick? And shouldn’t you learn all the rules before you go around breaking them? What if you LIKE being told what to do?! We get into all of it. 🖤 ⁠⠀

Photo by GIPHY


Hi, I’m Jerico

I’m a best-selling author, award-winning coach, and tarot reader. My mission? To help you liberate your joy through magic and play. 

