
Spirit guides! Ubiquitous in the woo-woo world, elusive, intriguing—and depending on who you talk to—either realer than real or a racket. According to the internet, spirit guides can include guardian angels, elementals, elves and fairies, saints or ascended masters, animals, and ancestors or deceased loved ones. And while it might seem like a new age thing, guardian spirits were (and are) present in ancient cultures, globally. 💫

It was only with the rise of Spiritualism in late 19th New York, that the concept was brought into modernity. And like all modern things, spirit guides are defined by the individual—an a la carte cosmology that meets the needs of the age. And ever since the ‘40s, they’ve done just that; guiding and offering strength and comfort to both solo believers and masses of people via well-known channellers like Jane Roberts, Esther Hicks, and J.Z. Knight. 🔮

To believe in spirit guides is to believe that no matter what happens in your life, you are divinely protected. But how does it work? Who are *your* spirit guides? Is it safe? So many questions !! And on Beyond Belief this week, we have answers! I’m joined by medium, past life regression integrator and the founder of The Spirit House Collective, Aja Daashuur a.k.a The Spirit Guide Coach. She and I chat about spirit guides, but she also channels messages from hers, live in the studio. I had to put a disclaimer on the front end of this episode because listening to her channel is like ASMR on steroids. 💆‍♀️

P.S. We recorded the interview in December of last year and Aja’s channeled messages feel more timely than I could have ever expected.

P.P.S. Aja and I also went live on Instagram this week to answer your questions! Watch it all HERE. 💕

Photo by GIPHY


Hi, I’m Jerico

I’m a best-selling author, award-winning coach, and tarot reader. My mission? To help you liberate your joy through magic and play.  

