
Why do so many of us get migraines? Why do we take medication constantly and never seem to get to the bottom of what causes them, and more importantly, how to get rid of them?

I have no answers as usual, but I’m sure people more learned on the subject would. A doctor might say we’re genetically predisposed to migraines, or that it’s hormone-related. A healer might say our third eye is in excess due to a chakra-blockage elsewhere in our energetic body—which I tend to subscribe to. They might both be right, but it doesn’t make it any less of a bummer.

If I had a dollar for every person who, upon learning I had chronic migraines, said, “Oh yeah, my mom gets migraines,” I’d be fabulously wealthy. It’s a mum thing, for sure. But why? Stress? I would bet money on it.

I’ve been asking myself “why” a lot lately, because frankly, I’m sick of just accepting it. It’s the definition of unacceptable. It shouldn’t be a woman thing. Or a femme thing. And while I have enough energy to shake my fist at the sky, damn the shit sandwich that is recurring migraines, and get into a k-hole of medical journal research, I will. For me, and for all the moms.

And in the spirit of information sharing, here’s my guide to coping with a migraine in a few quick steps. Thank me later.

– Take some adequately powerful medication (the right amount though please). Scull water while you do it.
– Grab a washcloth and soak it in cold/tap water, then wring out. Fill it with a few ice cubes.
– Source a tupperware container or bowl for potential voms. Put it next to your bed.
– Lay down in bed, making sure every source of light and noise is covered.
– Put the wash cloth with ice over your forehead, but make sure it’s covering your eyes too. You’re going for total darkness.
– Lay on your back with your arms to the side and focus on slowing down your breathing until you (eventually) fall asleep.
– Wake up the next day, hopefully feeling better. You did it! Great job.

P.S. The above isn’t super spiritual, because in the throws of a migraine attack, you can’t exactly start chanting. But, you can breath. Keep breathing. Keep your body, and show your nervous system love. Hold a crystal if that helps. There’s also a lot of good topical helpers for migraines, like Tiger Balm’s White Balm, and Chinese White Flower oil (both available online).

P.P.S. Though I’m grateful, please don’t send me links to a bunch of “the migraine cure that’s right around the corner” articles, filled with medication that’s either untested or prohibitively expensive. They’re the rescue puppy before-and-after articles of the health world—there’s a new one every day.

Photo by Social Squares


Hi, I’m Jerico

I’m a best-selling author, award-winning spiritual coach, and a tarot pro whose mission is to help you liberate the witch within and take your power back. 

