Name: Bright-Eyes Flipfone
Age: 16 and a half.
Superpower: Everyone’s personal cheerleader.
Weakness: Easily influenced by the opinions of others.
Meet your troll, Bright-Eyes Flipfone! A loyal supporter of peers and purveyor of hot goss. However, this mini BFF comes with a toxic side. You guessed it, Bright-Eyes is positively besieged by comparison when it comes to creative expression.
You’re probably already with their favourite catchphrases—they repeat them to you in your head all the time! Think: “what would people think?!” or “such-and-such already did THAT” or “I’ll never be better than them”. Sadly, despite their best intentions (keeping you safe from any kind of criticism) Bright-Eyes wants you to be as terrified of judgement and other people’s opinions as THEY are. Which is very.
The risk? Staying small to avoid imagined public ridicule, prioritising optics over substance, undervaluing your own unique voice in favour of mimicking someone else’s, and of course spending ~hours~ doomscrolling through Instagram, hate-following the creative people you’re jealous of. Ouch, I know.
But you know what? It’s not all bad. Because despite Flipfone acting like a troll (which is hardly their fault), you’re only doing what tech companies have trained us to do for the last few decades. Compare and despair, baby. And trust me, you’re not alone in being crushed by comparison. The trick is simply to not let it stop you.
“Jealousy is a map. Jealousy is always a mask for fear: fear that we aren’t able to get what we want; frustration that somebody else seems to be getting what is rightfully ours even if we are too frightened to reach for it. At its root, jealousy is a stingy emotion. It doesn’t allow for the abundance and multiplicity of the universe. Jealousy tells us there is room for only one — one poet, one painter, (one photographer), one whatever you dream of being. The truth, revealed by action in the direction of our dreams, is that there is room for all of us.” — Julia Cameron
Ready to tame your perfectionism troll? Here’s a practice you can try today.
Complete a “jealousy map”: The next time you notice yourself comparing your creativity or your output to someone else’s—stop, drop, and do a jealousy map, as originally taught by Julia Cameron.
Just draw three columns in a journal page. In the first one, write the name of the person who’s triggering your perfectionism troll. In the second one, write the specific situation that provoked this comparison. And thirdly, allow yourself the space to explore this feeling and reframe it, so Bright-Eyes can get in the back seat while your truer, deeper, higher self takes the wheel. Ask yourself 1) Why was this image/news/project so triggering for my troll? And 2) How can I reframe that in a way that’s aligned with my true beliefs about creativity?
For example, remind yourself that creativity is not a finite pie; there’s plenty to go around! You might even like to see this person or thing as an invitation for you to step into your own unique voice and share your gifts. If they can do it, so can YOU!
Oh, hi there! 👋 My name’s Jerico Mandybur.
I’m a best-selling neurodivergent author, writer, creativity coach, and tarot witch. And my mission is to help people like you to unlearn perfectionism, release their cringe, and unlock their unique creative expression, so they can tell their story, make their stuff, and change the goddamn world. *:·゚✧
Think you could be next? I’m down...
After spending a decade working in journalism and media at a leadership level—at some of the coolest brands and publications on the planet—I decided to turn my tireless imagination into a career in creativity! Now I use proven coaching methods (combined with a little witchcraft) to help my clients launch businesses, write books, rekindle old passion projects (and kickstart new ones!), find their voice, and share their story with the world. I’ve worked with healers, poets, NGO workers, therapists, writers, entrepreneurs, musicians, and mavericks from all walks of life who needed support in navigating perfectionism and its various manifestations (looking at you procrastination and self-sabotage!) so they can get out of their own way and use their gifts. 🎉
Book a 30-minute complimentary clarity call, if you think creativity coaching could be for you.
What next? Reserve YOUR 30-minute complimentary call, if you think creativity coaching could be for you.
Give me a call, and I’ll talk you through your options—whether it be my celebrated private coaching series, Come Alive, my consultation services, or a magical intuitive tarot reading to inspire your passion and light your path.
Either way, get ready! It’s time to put your perfectionism troll in its place and make life your creative playground. Let’s help you revolutionise limiting beliefs and reprogram your relationship to creating stuff so you can vision freely, express brazenly, and be the oracle of your own life.
Every client that works with me is guided through a bespoke, self-directed journey of creative expression—whether they’re making something, building something, saying something, or something else entirely. And that’s intentional! Because we creative visionaries, trouble-makers, and weirdos aren’t good with rules. Hell, we hate being told what to do!
And hand on heart, I can promise you I’ll never do that to you. What I will do, is guide you through my signature framework, designed to offer you a safe container within which to explore anything and everything that yearns to be released through you.
Why power? Because we’ve been taught that it’s a dirty word. And there are no coincidences. We’ve been cut off from our worth in the capitalist, white supremacist West. And without a sense of our wholeness; a true core worth, we’re much more placid. Well pardon my French my FUCK THAT. Your power is your birthright. It’s innate. It’s dignified. It’s infinite. And it can never be taken away from you. Acknowledging—and stepping into— your power is the first step to uncovering your most deeply held values. And letting them guide your creativity and your life.
Call it presence, call it awareness or mindfulness—just call on it! In my signature framework, your presence is the articulation of your power in daily life. It’s your sense of “something greater”. Your spiritual connection, expressed in all your create. Understanding your divinity and your preciousness means letting every moment, however mundane, be a portal to the imagination and a doorway to greater awareness. The mindful present is where all potentiality lies. It’s where the best art is made—when we allow ourselves to simply BE and let creativity flow through us.
Play is often seen as silly. As frivolous or purposeless. But did you know that deprived of play, we get depressed? In my framework, play isn’t something you do despite oppression and dominant programming; it’s how you overcome it. Your play is both personal resilience and political resistance. Your pleasure is a reclamation. Your self-expression is a gift to yourself and everyone else around you. When we play, we experience and express joy. We allow ourselves to gleefully rip up the rulebook and collage the pieces with glitter glue. Play about waking up everyday knowing you deserve to feel inspired, creative, full of vitality, and ready to express yourself, make stuff, and change the goddamn world doing it.
In working with me, you’ll explore all aspects of my signature framework. From setting commitments, uncovering your true values, discovering what lights you up, forging a path towards the most meaningful creative expression for you, and taking ridiculously small steps towards gradual, sustainable change.
I’m in your corner 100%. Let’s make some magic together.
A newsletter exploring creativity, neurodiversity, magic, and mental health. Expect: downloadable resources, writing and ideas, and practical prompts from the moment you sign up—designed to support you to live a self-affirming, connected, curious and expressive life. 🌈
PSSST…you made it all the way to the bottom of this page! As a treat, here’s some information about my private coaching series, Come Alive. You can read more about it here.
© 2021 Jerico Mandybur. Photos: Joe Brennan. All rights reserved.
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